Sunrise 24 March - Jacqueline Bannister
Wow! When I first entered the box it was slightly foggy to the east but this did not detract from the amazing view of the beautiful sunrise.
Wow! When I first entered the box it was slightly foggy to the east but this did not detract from the amazing view of the beautiful sunrise.
I thought about the last two years during my Vigil and how proud I am of this city I call home. Born and bred in Kingston upon Hull and always happy to tell the world about my great city.
Thick fog this morning! It was still amazing to be here. I was so glad to have Mr Wilberforce keeping me company.
What a privilege to see the city from a new perspective. To see things I had never seen before and familiar things from a new angle.
I thought of the war in Ukraine, how lucky we are to be living through peacetime but the scars of war are still to be seen.
The half an hour I spent watching over the city was more peaceful than I imagined.
A misty eve but still a spectacular view. First impression the scent, caravanning holidays with my Mum, Dad and brother. So I felt safe.
A misty morning with fast-moving cloud but suddenly the top of the building opposite looked like it was on fire and the mist cleared to reveal the sunrise – what a privilege!
It was truly lovely to watch over the City of Hull as the sun set, a city that is so close to my heart and has the roots of my family running through it.
The sky was completely clear and blue and the first thing that struck me as I looked to the East was the serenity of the gulls flying.
Really enjoyed this morning, the sun and the moon in a same time – it remind me of a good memory when I was in my home country.
Really loved looking out over the city, looking at the buildings, people and the sun setting.
As I watched that sunrise, echoed behind me with the full moon, I was full of an immense sense of hope.
It was calming but, more than anything, it was really very beautiful.
The moon was big and clear when I went out to the shelter and at points the sunrise was so bright I had to turn away – and at that point got to appreciate how beautiful it was reflecting on the city.
It was a grey, cloudy sunset, heavy rain and not the beautiful sunset I hoped for to celebrate my birthday.
It’s strange how you don’t notice the streetlights turn off. Just that they were on when you looked and now they are off.
I like to ‘people-watch’ and there can be fewer better places to watch from.
The city wakes in a golden glow and, when you watch it, the sun rises quickly.
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