

Sunrise 3 April - Andrew Gorham

I am not sure what I was searching for, perhaps some clarity, a meaning to our futile existence. It becomes an exorcism of mortality.

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Sunset 2 April - Maxine Whitelock

I had to look away or close my eyes to enjoy every moment of my dream but I could not stop looking at the beautiful rays coming off the sunset. I was watching the clouds dance past my eye and birds passing by, which made me feel free as a bird in my happy place.

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Sunrise 2 April - Paulette Appleby

The bank of dark cloud looked unwelcome at first but at the base, hovering on the horizon, was a pink grapefruit coloured blush starting to appear. As seagulls wheeled across the view a hole appeared in the cloud, tinged with a lemon glow.

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Sunset 1 April - Joy Toogood

So many roofs – the History Centre like a giant bug! And HRI looks so narrow, where I spent most of my working life. The Humber Bridge in the distance, remember cycling down every week from Hull to watch it being constructed.

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Sunrise 1 April - Ruby Deverell

The highlight was the pink hue given to the cloud at first light. And the Venn Bridge lifting to let a barge through; all my life living in Hull and I’ve never seen that.

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Sunset 31 March - Jon Robinson

Icy: the estuary.
I see a flash of blue and yellow.
Where is the emergency? . . . .
You crane to see where help is needed.

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Sunrise 31 March - Nick Wright

Then, as the sun started to rise through the clouds, the sky cleared up and the sunrise was breathtaking! Seeing the river so close up reminds you of the history of this great city.

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Sunset 30 March - Dan Wheeler

The opportunity to be completely isolated, clear my mind and from that height observe a city that I have grown to love, slowly wind down and become rested was incredibly calming.

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Sunrise 30 March - Sandra Cooper

Life goes on, traffic continues to stream into the city and lights appearing in windows tells us the day is about to start again for many.

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Sunset 29 March - Ann Kohler

Although it was a cloudy, dull sky I could pick out the different shades of light and Hannah picked out the sky on the horizon turned a pink. The sky lightened and was able to make out the shadow of the building.

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Sunrise 29 March - Dave Rowe

The only others keeping vigil are the gulls; looking down on them swooping around is a different view of birds. They are watching all the time. I’m only here for one hour – peaceful time away from everything, just watching!

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Sunset 28 March - Mike Parker

I could imagine witnessing the Blitz from a vantage point such as this, with the searchlights and barrage balloons filling the sky. How brave (or foolhardy) must the Hull folk have been to remain in the city after the first night of bombing!

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Sunrise 28 March - Carolyn Waudby

Glorious colours from a hidden sun to the East of the city started my vigil. The clouds gradually took over to leave a grey start to the day. The second day of BST.

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Sunset 27 March - Isabelle Tracy

Old friends of buildings, memories of Grandad, Granny, Mum, all the family, our relationship to this place. The Albemarle Plan, the geometric shapes of Queen’s Gardens, the pieces of dock in my garden, my Mum’s office at Hull College.

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Sunrise 27 March - Simon Buckley

There is no such thing as a dull dawn, each time the night melts away and the day emerges there are passages of magic. As to whether daybreak is considered good or bad is down entirely to our own response and, if we really look, there is always something memorable to witness.

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Sunset 26 March - Agnieszka Jadowska

My partner introduced me to the land of his idealised childhood memories. And I go with it. I see them like coloured old pictures where everyone is given bright blue eyes, rosy cheeks and coral lips.

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Sunrise 26 March - Janet Adamson

As the light began to change, my thoughts wandered and then focussed on the complete uniqueness and integrity of each new day. Enjoying the opportunity for some mindfulness time and simply observing the changes in view in relation to the light.

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Sunset 25 March - Caroline Ullyart

I then worked on feeling so grateful (a weird word) that I randomly had peace in my city – I felt like wrapping my arms around anyone who couldn’t feel this tonight.

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Sunrise 25 March - Nesta Sheehan

Today’s sunrise was the first hour of absolute silence I have had since becoming a mother. Having nowhere else to be and no one to look after for that hour was very liberating!

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Sunset 24 March - Debra Cassar

I had planned on reflecting on the second anniversary of lockdown. I worked in a supermarket throughout and wanted to think of all the things that happened.

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