
Posted: 07/04/22

Sunset 16 March - Zoe Rennison

It was a grey, cloudy sunset, heavy rain and not the beautiful sunset I hoped for to celebrate my birthday.  Nevertheless, I enjoyed looking to the rain, watching the students leave the College.  People leaving work and heading home after a day at work. 

It was good to people-watch; a man waiting for his girlfriend/wife with a big umbrella and when she arrived he greeted her with an affectionate hug and they walked hand in hand.   

I enjoyed the time to reflect on the last two years, the sadness and the effect the pandemic has had.  I am thankful for my health, my family, my children and grandchildren but, most of all, I cannot wait to marry the most amazing and loving man in May.  I could just see the Holiday Inn at Hull Marina. 



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