
Posted: 21/01/22

Sunrise 5 January - Jessie Fothergill

I was surprised to see not one person look up, made me feel as though I was CCTV; suspended in the air, always watching but rarely noticed.  Observing people scurrying along with their heads down, acting like ants going about their daily business.  Each person with a purpose and a place to go.

I spent some time observing the seagulls, watching how gracefully they sail on the wind gusts.  The sunrise was perfect, beautiful and very bright after the first couple of minutes.  I then turned my attention to the ripples on the Humber.  While the sun was still rising I enjoyed watching the reflections of light bouncing off the windows and appreciated the beauty of shadows turning into light.  It was a peaceful and humbling experience.  Thank you!

I enjoy being able to look out at the world, knowing the world can’t look back.  (Philip Larkin wrote words to that effect when talking of his Pearson Park flat.)


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