
Posted: 03/05/22

Sunrise 11 April - Daniel O'Gorman

The start of the vigil was an incredible sensory experience.  First with the noise of the gulls which seemed to circle the box throughout but noticeably no other noise.  And then the sunrise to the East – which was particularly beautiful this morning with reds and oranges reflecting off the clouds like a painting.  As the sun rose higher, it felt like being in a tunnel of light which gradually brought the west of the city to life.  With different rooftops – familiar and unfamiliar – suddenly being lit up and then falling back into shadow.

As the vigil progressed and the sun rose higher, I started to think of the stories of the people of the city.  The few people who were around.  The people waking up but unseen.  Putting on kettles throughout the city.  The stories that are more personal, picking out the University buildings near where I grew up, Lowgate Post Office where my Dad worked and remembering the stories my Grandad told of when Queen’s Dock became Queen’s Gardens.

The reflection I was left with was that it felt for an hour like you were a statue above the city – noticing but unnoticed.  And how fortunate the city is to have William Wilberforce making the permanent vigil over the city.


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